

Shut your eyes. And be carried away. By regional flavors. New ideas. Or sweet dreams.

Taking a break is a true art. And not only on a sheet of music. This is why the Carinthian Music Academy offers not only a modern hotel, but also exceptional cuisine at a great restaurant, where relaxing is made easy and very enjoyable between – or after – rehearsals. Uniquely beautiful: The view from the sunny Abbey terrace, where you can enjoy the color play on the lake for hours and hours. A place for true leisure and enjoyable spare time. Come and see for yourself. The Ossiach abbey has a history of more than 1000 years. Still, the house offers modern comfort paired with a lot of history. The hotel rooms which belong to the CMA are 25 rooms (75 beds) and the perfect place for relaxing. Especially after a long rehersal day. Our restaurant CMA – KULINARIK.CAMPUS OSSIACH offers delicious delicacies. In the sommer months you can enjoy them on the sunny Abbey terrace. 


Arrival and departure

Arrive. Explore. Enjoy.

Your room will be ready for you from 4 pm on arrival day and until 10 am on departure day. If your arrival is planned after 5 pm, we ask you to contact us.

The reception/course office is only staffed during check-in and check-out.

Request - book a room