"We want to: connect, exchange, stimulate, bring together, discuss, weigh, inspire, provide space and place, be a fueling station for many facets of the educational everyday life;
Perspectives, views, and angles meet in Carinthia, as it could not be otherwise, by the lake surrounded by mountains."
A conglomerate of various workshops around the method GANZ in der Musik® awaits the participants on 5 workshop days.
Information and program for the 4th GANZ in der Musik Days 2024 – Ganz in der Musik
Target audience:
Educators from all educational institutions who are dedicated to holistic, competence-oriented music education
* Sustainable paths of music education for various teaching settings based on the GANZ in der Musik® method
* GANZ in der Musik® School Model as a framework for educational institutions
* Experience reports"
Speaker: Verena Unterguggenberger