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Piano Intensive – Classical Level C+D course 4
31.08. - 7.09.2025Playing the piano is a musical activity with a comprehensive experiential dimension. This dimension of experience forms a unity of motor elements and mental and emotional phenomena. It does not make sense to separate the technical and motor aspects in their diversity from the experience of music, because “technology” and music are not opposites but rather form an inseparable unity. Some aspects of this workshop will be:
Speed in runs, arpeggios and irregular passages
Thirds, sixths, octaves
Strength and endurance
Security in performance
Dynamics and their design
With this in mind, we will discuss the problems of virtuosity from the holistic aspect of musical creation. Please prepare 2-3 works for the course that we can work on as examples. The course is aimed at pianists who are looking for support in the artistic design of their pieces. Ana-Marija Markovina explained the pedagogical basis for this course in her book “GLÜCKS-Spiel” (Staccato-Verlag).
Ana-Mirija Markovina is supported in her educational work by the pianist Paula Muthig – the course participants therefore have two professional contacts at their disposal.
C-Level: at least 3 years of playing experience. In terms of playing technique, you should at least be able to handle: Chopin: easier waltzes, moderately difficult sonatas by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, inventions by Bach.
D-Level: significantly advanced players with many years of playing experience and experience with technically demanding literature.
Musica Viva
Tel: +49 6129 502560
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