(c) CMA Stift Ossiach/Johannes Puch


Contact person:

Marion Rothschopf-Herzog
E-Mail: office-ossiach@die-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 

Dr. Ulrike Baumgartner
E-Mail: ulrike.baumgartner@die-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 533

David Unterweger
E-Mail: office-ossiach@die-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 

Michael Mayer, BA
Musical-Padagogical Director
E-Mail: michael.mayer@die-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 422

Anja Rogl
Marketing & Sales
E-Mail: marketing@die-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 534

Ulrich Pickelsberger
E-Mail: haustechnik@die-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594

Hans Heigl-Schellhorn
E-Mail: kueche@restaurant-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 413

Hamza Cherif-Dafra
Restaurant management
E-Mail: kontakt@restaurant-cma.at
Tel.: 04243/ 45 594 412

You want to work with us?
We look forward to receiving your meaningful unsolicited application by e-mail office-ossiach@die-cma.at.


We train apprenticies


Hotel and hospitality assistant (m/f/d)
Hotel manager (m/f/d)
Chef (m/f/d)
Restaurant specialist (m/f/d)

We look forward to receiving your detailed application by email to  office-ossiach@die-cma.at.


During a mandatory internship at the CMA, where you can take an exclusive look behind the scenes of a modern event and catering business.

We look forward to receiving your meaningful application via email office-ossiach@die-cma.at.

What do you like on your internship?